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product reviews | bathroom remodeling | shower renovations

Product Reviews, Editorial Process & Privacy Policy
We explore a wide range of ideas, tips, topics and trends in decor and remodeling - in particular bathroom remodel, shower remodel, kitchen remodel, product reviews and accent decor. We provide expert product reviews, and how-to-guides to assist you optimize your living spaces and your everyday living.​
Product Reviews - Methodology
How We Do What We Do? 

We looked at how people feel about certain brand and products and how strongly they feel about the topics related to these products once they have purchased and used the products or services. With such a myriad of opinions, how can one sift through the noise to derive genuine insights? Enter our methodology of evaluating reviews and feedbacks using a very sophisticated computer algorithm and analysis which dissects user feedback, intent, and behavior for the benefit of future consumers.

To arrive at recommendations we analyze hundreds and in some cases thousands of product reviews through computational techniques that interprets how buyers feel and how intense is that feeling about a product and brand.

Utilizing our advanced algorithms, we are able to decipher whether product reviews are positive, negative, or neutral based on the details expressed in the review text and then guide the perspective buyer "you" in making a buying decision.

The Simple Breakdown 

Feel Good Factor: How much people love or dislike the product

Buzz Factor: How strongly people feel about issues related to a product

Intensity: How intense the feeling is about a topic/theme in the review

What is the Feel Good Factor?

We measure the degree of how a buyer feel by defining a "Feel Good Factor". Higher positive value indicates a positive feel, a score around the midpoint suggests neutrality, and a lower score signifies negative feel.

What is the Buzz Factor?

We also define another factor to define how important or relevant is the issue being expressed by the reviewer. We refer to this as the "Buzz Factor" This score can be positive or negative and takes into account factors like the reviewer's credibility, the depth of their review, and the relevance of their feedback. A detailed critique by a verified purchaser might carry a higher gravity than a cursory remark by an anonymous user.

What is the Intensity Factor?

This signifies what the overall sentiment about the product is specifically about the brand in question. A higher score generally indicates a more favorable view of that brand/product in comparison to others.

These analysis provide a comprehensive view of the review's overall impact. A high Feel Good Score paired with a high Buzz Score indicates a trustworthy positive review. Conversely, a low Feel Good Score with high Buzz Score hints at a critical review with significant relevance.

Analyze The Gossip

Popular Kids

Products with high feel good scores are like the popular kids in school; everyone’s talking about them! If you want to go with the flow and buy what most people are loving, these are your guys!

Hidden Drama

Products with super high feel good scores but low buzz scores have some serious drama going on in their circles, but they’re not the stars of the show yet.

Steady Eddies

Products with scores in the middle are safe bets. They’re the steady, reliable ones. If you’re not into roller coasters and just want something stable, check these out!

The Underdogs

Some brands are low on both counts. Maybe they’re just not creating enough buzz, or people don’t have strong feelings about them.

What Are we Measuring?🛁

After reviewing thousands of reviews for each product we identified trends and popular themes. Our analysis is structured around identified themes.

Editorial Process

At concepttoscale.com, our aim is to serve as your dependable guide in the vast universe of online home-house design, decor and accessory advise. We grasp the significance of detailed and credible advice and reviews in helping guide and find your way to a decision. Therefore, we'd like to provide an overview of our editorial protocol, formulated to uphold a high degree of professionalism and ensure that our evaluations are impartial, comprehensive, and reliable.

Remodel and Decor Experts:

On our blog, we regard passion, know how and expertise as the essence of credibility. Our team is composed of seasoned professionals with deep-rooted understanding of home remodel and decor. We bring varied experiences from fields like interior design, architecture, engineering, DIY, and everything to do with houses and homes. This diverse knowledge helps us to assess the varied angles, offerings and issues from home-house perspective.

​Evaluation Criteria:

We adhere to a consistent and objective selection process before providing advise and when assessing products. Our team undertakes the needed research, considering multiple aspects such as market relevance, consumer demand, and current trends. We prioritize reviewing items that significantly influence the home-house scene, and which provide innovative solutions to everyday challenges.

​Hands-On Review:

We believe that it is upon us to provide trustworthy and objective information as may be available at the time. We endorse the strength of personal experience as it is the best basis of providing you with feedback and input. Our reviewers may at times participate in hands-on examination of the items or issue under review. This strategy helps us comprehend each issue or product's aesthetics, functionality, and user experience, ensuring that our assessments are grounded in real-world usage scenarios.

​Neutral Analysis:

Preserving neutrality is critical to our editorial procedure. Our reviews are undertaken and based on pre-established criteria such as: aesthetics, pricing, functionality, durability, safety, and customer experience. We aim to offer a balanced review, underscoring the essence of the issue/product rooted in merits and demerits. Clarity is paramount; we explicitly convey our evaluation methodology or advise rational to our audience.

​Product Testing Mechanism:

We consult various resources, including product manuals, trial uses, user feedback, industry publications, and competitive analysis. By collating information from diverse sources, we aspire to provide a comprehensive advice and reviews encompassing all aspects or features of the issue of product at hand.

Routine Updates:

Given the ever-changing nature of the home-house industry, we recognize the need to keep our content updated to keep our standing. We need to keep up with trends and so our team will routinely revisit previously reviewed items to re-evaluate and update our reviews due to the addition of novel features, and changes in quality. We strive to ensure that our readers have access to the latest and most accurate details about the issue/product being considered.

​Assurance of Quality:

Our pledge to accuracy and reliability permeates every facet of our editorial process. Each review goes through a quality assurance review before being published. Our reviewers scrutinize each piece for factual accuracy, clarity, grammar, and compliance with our editorial guidelines. We pride ourselves on delivering refined content that is both enlightening and engaging.

​In Summary:

At ConcepttoScale.com, we appreciate the importance of offering our readers accurate and reliable information. Our editorial process, powered by our passion for everything related to  remodeling / decor drives our thorough research, impartial scrutiny, ensuring our evaluations maintain the highest standards of accuracy and credibility. We aim to be your trusted ally, enabling you to make informed decisions for your home/house.

Editorial Process:

Our reviews are compiled by a team of experts and draw from actual experience. Learn more about our editorial process here. Please note that some of the links within this piece may be affiliate links, which may provide us with a commission at no additional cost to you.

Our Blog doesn't aim to provide financial advice.

About ConcepttoScale

We explore a wide range of ideas, tips, topics and trends in decor and remodeling in particular bathroom remodeling, shower remodeling, kitchen remodeling, home decor and accent decor. We provide expert product reviews, and how-to-guides to assist you optimize your living spaces and your everyday living.​

​Come Journey with Us!

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Dive into our treasure trove of bathroom and shower product reviews! Explore the latest in bathroom design, decor, and ideas. From elegant bathroom mirrors to invigorating shower steamers, we’ve got your bathroom oasis covered.

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Whether it’s bidet toilets or rain shower systems with body jets, we’ve got your path to bathroom bliss right here.

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